Official Government Website

The Clearwater Focus Program

The Clearwater Focus Program was developed to provide coordination and assistance to state, tribal, and federal entities, conservation districts, counties, and non-profit groups interested in implementing steelhead habitat restoration projects on private and public lands in the Clearwater River subbasin.

Clearwater Basin: ESA-Listed Species

The Clearwater Focus Program is dedicated to restoring anadromous populations of Steelhead and Fall Chinook salmon as well as protecting and enhancing habitats for resident populations of Bull trout in Northern Idaho’s Clearwater River Basin.


HistoryProjectsPartnersPlansMediaReportsAnnual Investments in the CRBContact

A comprehensive process has been completed for evaluating and protecting fish and wildlife throughout the Pacific Northwest. Initiated by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, subbasin planning was conducted in 62 “subbasins” within the Columbia River Basin, including Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon.

These plans assess conditions of fish and wildlife, prioritize fish and wildlife restoration efforts, and fund restoration activities through a Bonneville Power Administration mitigation program. Idaho has 15 subbasins, some shared with other states.

The Clearwater Focus Program is dedicated to restoring anadromous fish populations in Northern Idaho’s Clearwater River subbasin. The program coordinates watershed projects that protect and enhance habitat for reintroduced spring/summer Chinook Salmon and fish listed under the Endangered Species Act including fall Chinook Salmon, steelhead, and bull trout.

For more information on the history of the basin:

Crooked River Valley Restoration: After the stream’s history with dredge mining, the zipper pattern and tailing piles created a prime habitat improvement project to restore Chinook and Steelhead spawning habitat.

Decommissioning Abandoned Roads: Maintaining needed access while treating watershed problems to protect threatened salmon and steelhead habitat within the Clearwater National Forest.

Dutch Flat Dam Removal: Latah Soil and Water Conservation District completed the removal of a defunct damn near the city of Troy on Little Bear Creek with the help from OSC and BPA funding.

Restoring Red River: Recreating the perfect stream for salmon spawning within the Red River WMA.

Staff Contact: Ryan Banks

Send Ryan a direct email below:


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