Grizzly Bear Conflict Prevention
The Office of Species Conservation has $75,000 available annually for agricultural producers interested in funding for preventative measures such as permanent electric fence, temporary electric fence, reinforced grain bin doors, feed storage and other supplies that are proven to reduce grizzly bear conflict. Each agricultural operation is different and has its own set of challenges, because of this the program will consider funding other tools for attractant storage. This program is administered as a cost share program and the match from the producer will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The cost share match is waived for 4-H and FFA youth. Funding is available to producers living in Bonner and Boundary Counties, as well as producers in Eastern Idaho near the Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone.
For additional information contact Austin Terrell
Grizzly Bear Compensation Program
The Office of Species Conservation has state funding available through House Bill 592 for agricultural producers that were impacted by grizzly bears during the 2024 calendar year. Eligible compensation claims can be made for validated/confirmed or probable losses that have been documented by a state authorized investigator. The deadline to submit a compensation claim is December 31, 2024. See Compensation form linked below for the claim form and more detailed information.
For additional information contact Joshua Uriarte
Application Material:
HB592 Conflict Prevention Program Protocol
Physical Field Examinations Protocol
Grizzly Compensation Application 2024