The Idaho Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Program manages the State of Idaho’s allocation from the federal Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF). PCSRF was established by Congress in 2000 to restore and conserve Pacific salmon and steelhead populations and their habitat.

The PCSRF Board will hear proposals at their Round 27 meeting to be held December 12th – 13th, 2024, at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Headquarters Office, 600 South Walnut, Boise, Idaho. Available funds to award are approximately $10,000,000 for Priority 1 projects, $950,000 for Priority 2 projects, and $95,000 for Priority 3 projects.
Remote option:
Meeting number (access code): 2636 492 6025; Password: Rnd27
Phone: 415-655-0001; Access code: 26364926025
PCSRF Documents:
- PCSRF Round 27 Agenda
- Application Narrative
- Amplifund Budget Instructions
- PCSRF Grant Guidelines
- Budget Template
- Habitat Restoration Metrics (Priority 1; if proposals include design and restoration, only this spreadsheet should be filled out)
- Design Only Metrics (Priority 1)
- Monitoring Metrics (Priority 2)
- Planning and Assessment Metrics
- Landowner Acknowledgement Form
- Match Letter Template
- Idaho De Minimis Indirect Cost Rate Form
- OSC Audit Status Certification
- OSC Subrecipient Questionnaire
Staff Contact:
Graham Freeman– Aquatic Species Program Manager & Policy Advisor and Abbie Gongloff – PCSRF Program Manager
Federal Guidelines applicable to PCSRF awards and sub-awards by grant year: