Official Government Website

Sage Grouse Actions Team

FY26 Funding
Applications for this application period, fiscal year 2026, must be received by Friday, May 2nd, 2025.
Funds will be available to successful applicants on July 1, 2025.
Application Materials

FY26 Request For Sage-grouse Habitat Restoration Projects

Application Instructions

FY26 Actions Team Application


Reporting and Monitoring Materials

Project Completion Report

Project Two-Year Status Report

Photo Monitoring Guide


For application submissions or questions about the program, contact Joshua Uriarte at 208 – 332 – 1556 or


In May 2015, the state agencies charged with implementing the Governor’s Strategy – OSC, IDL, and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) – established the Sage Grouse Actions Team, along with local federal agency partners including the USFWS, BLM, and the NRCS. The Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission, Idaho Department of Agriculture and the USFS have also joined the group.

The team works collaboratively to prioritize and fund actions in accordance with the Governor’s Strategy. Priorities for funding include helping equip RFPAs to improve fire suppression capabilities, build strategic fuel breaks to slow the spread of wildfire, restore areas that have been degraded by wildfire from encroached juniper trees and annual grasses, restore and improve brood rearing habitat, and enhance the monitoring of sage grouse activity.

The Sharps Fire Rehab Project is one example of a Sage Grouse Action Team funded project. Check out the video below, produced by the Wood River Land Trust, highlighting some of their beaver dam analog (BDA) stream restoration work outside of Bellevue, ID.

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